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Guiding Principles

Everyday Advocacy offers a model that supports educators as they try to change the public narrative about issues in literacy education. In such a role educators learn to work within the system even as they seek to change it:  in ways that are smart, safe, savvy, and sustainable

Everyday Advocates work in ways that are...

  • Naming and knowing the issue

  • Learning what others think about the issue

  • Framing the issue in new ways

  • Understanding the context in which we work--including the students, families and communities

  • Developing allies

  • Building awareness



  • Moving from concern to action

  • Being strategic

  • Moving beyond a "tactics-only" approach

  • Making this a part of your day-to-day life

Everyday Advocates make change by working in ways that are: 






Everyday Advocates constantly explore the what, how, and why of teaching:

  • They have a deep understanding of the content of their discipline/grade level

  • They are knowledgeable about the research base that underlies that content.

  • They add to that knowledge through their own teacher research, asking questions about their practice and engaging in systematic investigations in their own classrooms.

  • They know how to connect research and practice


Everyday Advocates understand how to make change in safe ways:

  • They remember that change does not happen overnight, so they find everyday opportunities to raise their voices in ways that preserve their jobs and invite ongoing communication with thinking partners and decision makers

  • They develop relationships with colleagues, parents, administrators, and community members

  • They invite partners to learn with their research-based conversations about how to create the best learning environments for students

  • They continue to build awareness among their colleagues and community through low stakes interactions

  • They plan carefully but recognize serendipitous moments that allow them to learn more and share


Everyday Advocates understand how to be savvy and strategic:

  • They know how to move from concern to action on an issue they care about

  • They learn how to be strategic in how to do this: understanding who needs to hear their concern and how best to help others understand it

  • They understand how to develop allies and to identify decision makers who can help them create change

  • They know how to move beyond just tactics to create strategy that has both short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals


Everyday Advocates understand how to work in sustainable ways:

  • They know the importance of making advocacy a part of their day-to-day lives

  • They recognize that long-lasting change takes time

  • They create long-term goals, but realize the importance of short-term and intermediate steps to get there

  • They understand that even small amounts of advocacy can have a large impact

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