Resources for English Educators
Are you an English educator, teaching undergraduate methods courses and/or graduate classes for practicing teachers? If so, Everyday Advocacy can be integrated into the courses you teach.
Why is advocacy important for teachers? Because the notion of teacher professionalism has changed. While it was once enough for teachers to know their content (the what of teaching) and their pedagogy (the how of teaching), they now need to be able to help parents, administrators, community members and legislators understand why they teach in the ways they do. Beyond the traditional content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge, teachers now also need advocacy knowledge.
Some strategies to help preservice teachers explore Everyday Advocacy practices include:
Introduce students to ways that teacher professionalism is linked to advocacy: to help others understand why we teach in the ways we do.
Ask students to read the Getting Started section and try some of the writing invitations.
As students learn about what and how to teach, ask them to articulate why they might teach in a certain way. Then invite them to think about whom they would need to inform (parents, administrator, colleagues) and what strategies and tactics they might use to inform different groups. (Learn and Act). You might invite them to fill out a chart like this over the course of a semester:
What/how you teach
Why teach this way?
How you can inform others about this approach
Writing Workshop
Helps students understand writing is a process
Helps students receive valuable teacher and peer feedback
Helps students improve writing over time
Family literacy nights or workshops
Videos of classroom practice shared with parents
Portfolios of student work shared with parents at portfolio nights
Choice reading
Helps students become lifelong readers
Helps students develop approaches for selecting books
Helps students develop stamina for reading
Parent-teacher books clubs on some choice books
Literacy nights in which students give book talks
Student interviews with adults in the school about their reading habits
Ask students to include a section in their unit plans that lays out some tactics for reaching out to others
Other ideas: You also might find inspiration in other ways English educators are centering advocacy in their English teacher education classes. Visit our Teacher Stories here.